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Mo-Sys Setup Guide
in Unreal Engine with VP Toolkit

Welcome to our Step-by-step Guide for setting up

Mo-Sys within Unreal Engine using VP Toolkit.

This guild through setup our unreal engine Studio Plugin with a Mosys Tracking system and Encoder. This enables you to utilize the Mosys Hardware Lens Encoder in Unreal Engine by leveraging our Studio Plugin features like Lens Mapping and ICVFX DOF Focus Solver to get more realistic depth of field on led wall stages. 


Vp Toolkit Studio Plugin Unreal Engine Version 5.3 or higher

for Mo-Sys Tracking compatibility. This setup doc assumes you already have a working Virtual Production Stage with nDisplay and tracking/networking already configured correctly. If you need help with this check out our nDisplay setup video.

nDisplay Setup

VPT Root Config

  • If you haven't used a Vp Toolkit template for nDisplay configuration on your LED Wall, set up the VPT root config first. A helpful video guide is provided here for this initial setup.

  • Ensure the Plugin is communicating with nDisplay before moving on.


Mo-Sys Tracking Setup

LiveLink Controller and Lens Data

  • Add a LiveLink controller and a Lens Data Component to a Cine Camera in Unreal Engine. Typically named "Tracking_Camera" in our outliner.

  • Verify that the "Tracking_Camera" is functioning live within the editor.

Connecting to the VP Toolkit Plugin

Setup Connection

  • Once the Tracking camera is working live in the editor, set up the connection to the Frustum Widget tracking system.

  •  In the tracking menu, enable tracking and select "Mimic" mode.


Select Tracking Camera

  • Choose your "Tracking_Camera" from the dropdown. Ensure it controls the "Frustum_Camera" connected to your nDisplay ICVFX Camera Component.

  • If you’re running into issues ensure that the Frustum Camera does not have any other controller, such as another LiveLink Controller.

Example of Frustum Camera/Tracking Camera Setup


Depth of Field (DOF) Setup

Option 1: Automatic DOF Calculation


  • After setting up tracking, enable DOF by activating the Focal Distance in the Lens Data Menu.

  • Enable “ICVFX DOF Solver” This will put the system in Auto mode which automatically calculates the DOF fall-off based on the distance of the camera to the LED Wall

  • Ensure there are no Virtual Objects between the Camera and the LED wall Mesh in Unreal to avoid issues with wall distance judgment.


Option 2: Using Mosys Live Lens Data for DOF


  • You can ship your lens to Mo-Sys for a custom lens map or alternatively, you may use one of Mo-Sys' existing lens maps available in the Mo-Sys UI under the Lens Data tab and use our Lens System to get your lens data rendering 1:1 first. (Images shown below)

  • Basic Lens Calibration Setup. (Put the lens at close focus, hold the lens zero button on the unit and then rack the lens to the furthest “infinity” and back to close focus)

  • To create a Lens Curve Map and get your lens date rendering 1:1, refer to this video for detailed guidance. Your Lens Map will look different then this video because you will be mapping your curve on top of an already existing Lens Map Curve within the Mosys. 

  • Once the lens map is calibrated, enable "Lens Data" under the "ICVFX DOF Solver". This will now use the lens data to drive the ICVFX DOF Solver System. 


Congratulations on completing the setup of Mo-Sys

within Unreal Engine using the VP Toolkit Plugin!


Should you encounter any challenges or have questions, feel free to refer back to this guide for assistance or reach out for support. Additionally, you can consult the accompanying video resources for further clarification.


Wishing you a successful and enjoyable virtual production experience!

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